Author Topic: power up your pc...  (Read 3904 times)


    • fasoularis.spaces
power up your pc...
« on: November 09, 2007, 10:21:57 PM »
merika pragmata pou mporeite na kanete gia na kerdisete fps se cod2-cod4:

katarxas latest nvidia driver suport all new games:

latest edition of ATITOOL programataki gia overclock se nvidia me 3d test osi exoun mama psyktra sthn vga kalo 8a eine ektos apo increase fans rpm's na anevasoun max 10% freq :

gia osous exoun ati to idio alla me ola ta unlocks:

to sosto episis 8a eine na kanete check prwta gia new bios version ths mobo sas mesa apo thn ekastote eteria kai na thn flasharete.

kalo 8a eine (an exete kalh psyktra sto cpu sas) an kanete ligo OC kai se ayto kata 5%-10% mesa apo to bios anevazontas to cpu frequency kai tautoxrona anevenei kai to fsb freq.

episeis mesa se ayta ta site's 8a vreite polla downloads ksi polla infos

telos mesa apo to bios anevazeis ligo to PCIE latency timer apo 32/64 se 96 h kai parapanw analoga thn vga pou exete.

meta apo ola ayta 8a deite ayxish se fps sto test tou ati tool kata 20-50 alla kai sta games, analoga to system sas imo pada.

intel� dual E8400 oc 4.5ghz fsb:2000/ COOLERMASTER 850w/VGA:GIAGABYTE-9800GX2-> oc 820-2400/ 2G-1200mhz/ extream watercolled system/ XP� PRO black edition. HF.


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Re: power up your pc...
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2007, 01:52:22 AM »
Μπραβο! Πολυ εξυπηρετικο post!


  • 222 HERO!~
  • Mess with The Best And Die Like The ResT
Re: power up your pc...
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2007, 11:20:31 AM »
merika pragmata pou mporeite na kanete gia na kerdisete fps se cod2-cod4:

katarxas latest nvidia driver suport all new games:

latest edition of ATITOOL programataki gia overclock se nvidia me 3d test osi exoun mama psyktra sthn vga kalo 8a eine ektos apo increase fans rpm's na anevasoun max 10% freq :

Exei Dikio o an8ropos xoris tous latest drivers (to 1st pragma pou ekana otan mou bghkan problems) akoma k me 8800GTX pineis sto COD4 molis ekana update problhmata teloc!

ATI TOOL nai perasa th teleytaia ekdodh 0.26 apo pou elegxeis to F4n tis GPU?


    • fasoularis.spaces
Re: power up your pc...
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2007, 11:36:17 AM »
serbiam katarxas an exeis 2.66mhz cpu freq an exeis ton E6600 dual core mporeis na pas mexri kai 300mhz xwris provlima 8ermokrasias anevazontas etc kai fsb speed, h taxytita kanei thn diafora sta fps kai oxi h epexergastikh isxys.
argotera 8a sou pw kai gia to ATITOOL fan section.

intel� dual E8400 oc 4.5ghz fsb:2000/ COOLERMASTER 850w/VGA:GIAGABYTE-9800GX2-> oc 820-2400/ 2G-1200mhz/ extream watercolled system/ XP� PRO black edition. HF.


    • fasoularis.spaces
Re: power up your pc...
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2007, 10:52:32 AM »
se ena  system meseou mege8ous kai kostous mporeite, gia na to pusharete ligaki na agorasete mia megalyterh psyktra cpu h opoies kostizoun apo 20E-60E etc wste na mhn exete provlima apo temp, kai na kanete ligaki overclock anevazontas (stadiaka) mesa apo to bios ths mobo thn parametro CPU frequency px: (266)mhz to opoio enoei 266x9 (multiplyer)=2.4ghz RAM:266x2=532mhz (stis ram ddr2 eine multiplyer x2 dual) anevazontas etc stadiaka ta mhz cpu anevenei kai h taxytita fsb (taxytita epikinwnias mobo-cpu-ram). epomenos oso kalyteres ram exete toso perissotero fsb mporeite na anevasete px: 300x9=2.7ghz pcu freq kai 300x2=600mhz stis ram
se ydropsikta systimata mporeis na anevaseis arketa perissotero afou provlima psyxhs den yparxei.

meta apo ena swsto OC mporeis na ayxiseis ths epidoseis tou systimatos sou dramatika  (apo 2.4cpu=2.7 ram 800ares apo 532=600 fsb:apo 1066mhz=1280mhz), to paradeigma ayto metafrazete se: +20-30fps sto cod4MW.
ola ayta wmos proipo8etoun prosektika vimata sthn ayxish fsb ka8os prepei na ypostirizonte apo ths ram tou systimatos  kai panta kratiste buck up tou bios gia ka8e endexomeno.

intel� dual E8400 oc 4.5ghz fsb:2000/ COOLERMASTER 850w/VGA:GIAGABYTE-9800GX2-> oc 820-2400/ 2G-1200mhz/ extream watercolled system/ XP� PRO black edition. HF.


  • 222 HERO!~
  • Mess with The Best And Die Like The ResT
Re: power up your pc...
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2007, 04:24:53 PM »
Nai re man kala ola ayta re Zai  exo CPU E6600 Ram OCZ SLI 1066 MoBo EVGA 680i kai 8800GTX kai ta patao sto ful  bebaia kata thn tapeinh mou apopsh dn exo gnorisei atomo pou na agorase Intel CPU xoris n allaksei Cooler to cooleraki tis Intel einai eleeino kai trisa8lio soz kiolas CPU Intel = Cooler master Eclipse h Asus giati to intel kouleraki = mpeto.Tora gia na mhn balo k allo prog gia overclock dld kai to riva tuner pes mou apo pou rythmizo to anemisthraki ths GPU


    • fasoularis.spaces
Re: power up your pc...
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2007, 04:30:17 PM »
mporeis na valeis kai to riva tunner mono gia to anemnisthraki pou sinh8os mama eine sto 40-60%, apla setings, start up 100% the fun mode.

intel� dual E8400 oc 4.5ghz fsb:2000/ COOLERMASTER 850w/VGA:GIAGABYTE-9800GX2-> oc 820-2400/ 2G-1200mhz/ extream watercolled system/ XP� PRO black edition. HF.


    • fasoularis.spaces
Re: power up your pc...
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2007, 10:29:02 AM »
last nvidia release driver:

pedia tested, best driver ever asap download specialy designed for cod4mw-crysis

assVas: EAN meta ton beta driver sas kollaei to pc (egw exw 680i mobo k 8800gts) tote allaxte driver ston default latest release.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2007, 08:37:02 PM by V.Zaitzev »

intel� dual E8400 oc 4.5ghz fsb:2000/ COOLERMASTER 850w/VGA:GIAGABYTE-9800GX2-> oc 820-2400/ 2G-1200mhz/ extream watercolled system/ XP� PRO black edition. HF.


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Re: power up your pc...
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2007, 05:06:49 PM »
An exete seira 7 MHN egkatasthsete ton parapanw driver!
[16:02] <bazookas> pws gnt na milisoume ston athropo pou evale to anti cheat programa gia na to vgalei?
[16:04] <|ProMo|> re file plaka kaneis?
[16:05] <bazookas> no