As mhn mperdevoume tis vourtses me tis loutses....
Allo SLI pou einai sxediasmeni na moirazetai to forto twn grafikwn pou kai h pardali katsika 3erei oti einai to bottleneck sta paixnidia kai to frame rate, kai allo diplopurhnos epe3ergasths pou tha moirasei ti? O unsto exei dikio arkei o enas epe3ergasths na einai apo tous teleutaious.!
Enas classic P4 single core me enan Duo den diaferoun
mono sto diplopyrhno... diaforetikh cpu teleiws. Alla set edolwn , allh diaxeirhsh, Allh Cache ktl.
to idio kai se amd.
Shmera se oti game exei vgei ews twra enas single core cpu overclocked me low latency ddr1 mnhmes
dinei kalytera fps sta games apo enan dual core me ddr2 me thn idia vga , IDIO CPU APLA dual core...
sth pliopshfia twn game se metries analyseis.
An anevaseis analysh xwseis AA k AF tote papala... ta bench einai SAFWS xeirotera.
Sou fernw paradeigma enan Athlon 64 4000 me enan idio alla x2 apto tomshardware.
Sto unreal o aplos dinei 10 fps pio panw, enw sto quake 4 35fps ppio katw .
Oson afora to cod, o aplos dinei 10 fps pio katw afta, ta games pou vgainoun edw kai kairo einai "multi-threaded games" (quake4).
more pyrhnes , better
designed gia core fash kai arga alla stathera se oti game vgei
oi dual core tha apodwsoun kalytera. Me liga logia an paizeis MONO COD k de se noiazei tpte allo,
oute ta 10fps leigotera logo cpu pou tha xeis... pare single core k pushare ton k pare mia kalyterh vga
k enan raptora)
Mellontika omws an apofasiseis na paikseis cod4
tha xeis bottleneck (ddr1-singleore etc.)
To cod2 einai multithread designed game ALLA oxi optimised opws tha prepe , viastiko ews poly
viastiko me mhdamhno beta testing. PAROLA afta me dual core cpu exeis elafra kalytera fps.
+ oti pote de tha trexeis mono cod... tha trexeis KAI Ventrilo kai MSN kai IRC kai an exeis Onboard
karta hxou tha apasxoleite k ekei H cpu .