Edo kai 2 evdomades kati exei pathei to pc m.. Molis mpeno cod tis pio polles fores mou vgazei mia mple othoni kai kanei restart Dn tin paleuo allo!!! ti na kano??!
OTan ston xwro twn pc kati doulevei kanonika gg, kai ksafnika arxisoun tetoia
issues san BSOD ktl. Tote exeis ena apta parakatw :
1. Hardware failure - pithanon RAM (katevase kai trekse ena memtester prog)
2. O/C H mh swsth psyksh , des ti thermokrasies exeis opws sou xoume pei
3. poly pio spania periptwsh kapoia allh asymvatothta me kapoia allh syskevh
alla afto na proklithei sto ksafniko den symvainei syxna, kai synithws
yparxei mhxanikh vlavh H kapoios driver pou egine update k prokalei afto
to provlhma.
Telos tha tan kalo na mas rikseis edw ena memory dump , valto na to apothikevei
se txt kathe fora pou sou rixnei mia tetoia Ble o8onh, afto tha to vreis
an pas stis idiothtes systhmatos (Windows kay+Break) kai meta sto "Advanced" meta sto "Start up & Recovery <- Settings" sto Write debuggin information kai
epilegeis to path pou thes na sou swthei, (kanto paste edw).