Author Topic: Weapons Review: Sub Machine Guns  (Read 1702 times)


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Weapons Review: Sub Machine Guns
« on: December 29, 2007, 08:56:15 PM »
Sub Machine Guns in General:

Sub Machine guns are fully automatic machine guns designed to be used at short and medium ranges. Their uses vary more than the previous 3 lines of weapons and more options are available w/ effective setups and perks. They're designed to be mobile, fired at the hip, but with better range than shotguns.

Positives: Very good hip accuracy. Max Mobility. Silencing options. Better range than shotguns.

Negatives: Outranged by anything but shotguns.

Why use Sub Machine Guns:

There are 2 main uses for machine guns. First, they are perhaps the best at flanking. They can beat most other weapons at close range, except perhaps shotguns, and can do this with silencers. At the point of attack, you're able to have the advantages of max mobility and good hip accuracy, but still able to handle targets at medium range unlike shotguns.

MP5:This is the starting sub gun and is the most versatile out of the group. It has the most range of any of the sub guns, very good accuracy and has a decent iron site. It does good damage, but with a lower rate of fire than most of the sub rifles. For that reason it's not the best at close combat, but it's extended range and good accuracy, it allows you to compete with the other weapon classes better past close range while maintaining the advantage of max mobility and good hip accuracy in close combat. This is one of the best guns in the game as it has the ability to shoot up close like a sub, while competing with ARs at longer range. 30 round clip.

Perks & attachments: The added range of this weapon gives you more options with this than any of the other sub rifles. You can put a scope on it and extend the range to a near assault rifle status, and take only a slight accuracy hit. This is one of the few guns where I think the scope can be put to good use on. It's decent iron site allows silencer use effectively, and the red dot should be used any time you don't want either of the two others. The perks are also variable since you have a lot of different uses for this weapon. You can use bandolier if flanking and need the extra ammo, and also have the extra grenade options to take advantage of close combat. If using a silencer and flanking, then uav jammer is a great addition. Sleight of hand for quickly re-engaging or stopping power are both helpful. Jugg can even be used. Unless you're primarily using this scoped out as an assault rifle, or camping an area hidden scoped out w/ silence.. you'll want to use steady aim.

SKORPION: On the opposite end of the spectrum is the skorpion, the least flexible and most specific of the weapons. The skorpion is defined by it's best of class accuracy and almost non existant recoil. It has both good power and a good rate of fire. It also has an excellent iron site. Must be great then right? No, it has very two important downsides and that's it inferior range and lowest capacity. This combination gives it a simple use. To combat one on one opponents at close range when silence is needed. It can't handle multiple targets well do to it's low capacity, and it's range lowers it to almost shotgun range. Since shotguns are more powerful and have better capacity at point of attack, the skorpion should only be used when you need a silencer, and are going to be engaging targets 1v1 at close range on the flanks. Since this combination of factors is hard to find, I don't suggest using this weapon often. 20 round clip.

Perks & attachments: Silencer is advisable since you'll want to be using other weapons at point of attack. Uav jammer and steady aim. 1st perk is variable depending on need for ammo or grenades. If you're considering any other combination of perks/attachments, then I think it's most likely you'd be better off with a different weapon.

MINI-UZI: This is the weapon with the mid-range stats and as such, I consider it the best in class (excluding p90 as this is illegal in ladder atm). It has the damage of the skorpion and mp5, but with greater rate of fire and medium range (only the mp5 is greater). It has good accuracy, an excellent iron site and even has a slightly better capacity. It's recoil is minor. Uzi's better raw killing power up close w/ power and rate of fire, and superior iron site, gives it the nod over the M5 (unless you're engaging often at medium range). 32 round clip.

Perks & attachments: This can be used at point of attack or flanking. Red dot or silencer suggested (would only consider scope on MP5). Perks depending on it's use and need for ammo. Flanker should consider bandolier, uav jammer, steady aim w/ silencer. At point of attack should consider 3 frag, stopping power (sleight of hand and jugg also good choices), steady aim w/ red dot.

AK-74u: This is the heavy hitter of the subs with the highest damage in class. That's balanced out with the lowest rate of fire and lowest accuracy out of the subs. It's damage however is better than any of the sub or assault rifles. It's rate of fire is still decent and it's iron site is also ok. Recoil is low. This is a great gun for mowing down multiple people as it requires less bullets per person and can do more overall damage per clip. It's accuracy is the only real downside, but it still does it's job up close. At medium range, the accuracy starts to become a bit of an issue over the other weapons. Overall, it's a very good weapon.

Perks & attachments: Same as uzi depending on role. Double tap may seem like a good idea, but I would suggest stopping power over it. Clip management is an issue with the subs, and stopping power will increase the rate of killing without hurting ammo conservation.

P90: This would easily be the best in class out of the subs if it weren't for the fact that it's illegal and bugged. Currently it can not be used in ladder play for PC and it gives a sprint buffer that's currently bugged. It is however the most used weapon in the game. Has a giant capacity (only the light machine guns have more than this), and a huge rate of fire. It's power is the lowest of the group, but the rate of fire and capacity make this relatively unimportant. It has the worst of the iron sites, but still ok and it's range and accuracy are the same as the uzi. While the uzi still kills 1 or 2 people better than this imo, the advantage in capacity and unmatched mobility make this a better weapon. If you want to use the closest thing to overpowered we have in cod4 in a pub, this is the gun for you. 50 round clip.

Perks & attachments: Same as uzi. Stopping power is more attractive here.

Which gun?: The MP5 gives unique options. The Uzi and AK are the best under normal use against medium targets.. while the P90 is the best weapon if you don't mind using a bugged weapon, or you're in a pub where it's not banned.

Using the Sub Machine Guns: These are the up close and personal guns of both the flanker and point of attack players. They have more flexibility than shot guns, and are one of the two classes that provide the option to silence. You want to dance and shoot from the hip against opponents that are shooting at you as you have the advantage in both accuracy and mobility in these fights, aim down the sites against targets that don't see you. Using the silence options allows you to kill from the backside effectively and quickly. At point of attack, you can deal with both close and medium range unlike shotguns and are a hard target to kill with the mobility and freedom to fire on the move accurately, and have the advantage of the first perk open (unlike shotguns which are best off with grip imo).

Cliff Notes: No cliff notes here as the weapons vary in use and are more complicated than the other weapon lines thus far. But if you insist... UZI w/ silencer, bandolier, uav jammer, steady aim or... UZI w/ red dot, 3 frags, stopping power, steady aim.

(Guide by |V|)