Perneis to cfg tou cod4 vriskeis ta:
seta r_rendererInUse "Shader model 2.0"
seta r_rendererPreference "Shader model 2.0"
kai ta allazeis se:
seta r_rendererInUse "Shader model 3.0"
seta r_rendererPreference "Shader model 3.0"
Ready for CoD 5
Me afto pou leei o promo apofevgeis to Black screen issue.
Opote h telikh lysh einai h ekshs, kaneis rename to palio
cfg sou se "old.cfg", to xwneis sto main folder tou game.
Mpaineis sto game fortwneis to map kanonika, katevazeis console,
kaneis ena /exec old.cfg kai meta kapaki ena /reconnect kai
eisai ready to rock n roll.
Etsi exeis k tis extra edoles mesa sto mamisio cfg sou (tou cod5)
kai apla exoun allaksei oles oi palies (efoson ektelesthke to palio cfg).
Teliko apotelesma ? implement tou old.cfg mesa sto current sas ,
fast and easy.
Opws leei kai o will Smith...
Sandman kai promo... Good Job !Egw ekana ta parapanw sto diko mou kai to testara, ola gg.
P.S Exw valei attachmenet edw ena cfg pou tha sas dwsei arketa fps, kai opois thelei
arxizei k anevazei ligo ligo oti adexei to pc tou, gia tous low-end katoxous systhmatwn.