Pilot Kerst : Roger That 3506
Co-Pilot Takis : We got Tangos !!!
Kerst : Requesting Alternative LZ
Takis : AA Rocket Installation - on our six !!!
Kerst : Executing manuveur^%*%$*BANG^$*^%*
Kerst : "I'm hit ! I'm HIT !!! "
Chopper Panel ***STALLING*** (Red Led Flashing)
Kerst : mayday mayday
Kerst : "I can't hold her !!! "
Takis : Our position 2 clicks south of Zulu Sector requesting imidiate evac send resc..."
Gbit 3501 "Sir , we lost contact with Major Konig 2 clicks south of Zulu Sector"
General Haas "Hmmm... Send in 2 The Rescue Squad..."
Brizolas "Ok maggots , u heard the man, get ur gear ready and board in Julia in 5' .
Pal-Xploder-Vertigo-Luckies-AssVas "Sir Yes Sir!!!"
Gody "they sent us to do the shitty work, they always sent us to clear their mess up"
2 The Rescue Squad ...
Lt. Pal : Explosives Specialist (can blow up hole manhatan with few c4) Leave no traces.
Sgt. Brizolas : Leet Sniper and Leader of this team< fought in Gulf War (never miss a thing)
Pvt. Luckies : H.Q - Gunner (does the shitty part - creates diversions etc.)
Pvt. Xploder : Machine Gunner - Traitor - xafies - (find out next episode)
Pvt. Vertigo : Tele-Communitations Specialist (can hack any system - any time)
Pvt. AssVas : Grenader/Neggotiator, speaks 13 languages can "buy" anyone bullets miss.
Lt. Gody : Driver/pilot , can drive or fly anything that has two wheels or wings with his superb driving skills.
Nascar champ just within a year of practice since he took his driving diploma.
Many times things go wrong and team needs to find alternative evac methods.
Gody " Ok who's filthy ass should we rescue this time sarge?"
Brizolas "shut up gody, Konig's bird is down , we will insert 3 clicks south of Zulu sector,
act fast , stealth, without any god damn rambo shit, understood? "
Pal "Ok doggie, show us the map"
Brizolas "This is it... The Zulu sector, named by the nasty locals that aint friendly and the god damn
jungle terrain down there, intel reports that enemy consists of two hundred med armed
guirellas, with anti-aircraft and anti-tank installations around their camp. We also have to deal
with 2 Helipads and six heavy armored tanks, rest are classic jeeps and light armoured apc's"
Vertigo "So how can we act stealth with all these locals ?"
Brizolas "That's AssVas job son"
AssVas "After talking with our embassy nearby town , we know for sure that Green Beret , an ugly
sick fuck , has many locals working in his mines as slaves,raping their women etc. so insertion
will be easy , many willing locals to help, a chance for starting their revolution... that's why we
carry these crates full of ak-47 and nades enough to equip a small army attacking from south-east"
Luckies "...and i suppose I'll be the one that will have to make sure noone stucks a bullet in your ass..."
Brizolas "Yes Luckies,Bingo! So There are three objectives. the primary is to rescue the possibly pow's and extract
them with safety back on board. Sattelite photos show Konig and his 2 pilot's held in Hangar C . Then
Moved to Building F . Sattelite went off this region this morning so probably they may be held elsewhere.
Xploder "Damn! that means we should split up? it's too risky"
Gody "always knew u where a pussy"
Brizolas "Yes , we should split and act fast, that's why we got the locals creating an attack that will drug their
attention out of the main camp."
Gody "Sarge if takis is still alive, can i shoot him and say he was K.I.A?"
Brizolas "yes, but then i'll have to report u were also K.I.A"
Vertigo "hehe"
Pal "hahaha"
Brizolas "These are the photos of the p.o.w's, any questions?"
Gody "nah, i shoot first, then do the talking"
Pal "I suppose i'll need to blow up their chopper facilities and fuel tanks, who will be with me?"
Brizolas "Vertigo and xploder will cover ur ass, luckies stick with AssVas, I'll provide cover to Gody.
So the plan is the following, just stick with it and we should have no problem. Pal disables
the enemy tanks and helipads,vertigo and xploder make sure he does that without any problem.
In the meanwhile AssVas with Luckies should launch their assault with the locals at the main gate.
I'll take out the shooters on the south guard towers and cover gody as he searches for the pow's.
when gody finds the package, pal and the two of you, move carefully towards gody. wait for enemy
to leave towards main gate and then free the Konig kerst and takis. AssVas and Luckies will rendevouz
with me 3 minutes after the initiate attack on the main gate, their weapons are free. Cause of bad
weather Pal be sure to have a vehicle ready for gody to extract you from there. That's all for now,
Put em on safe and let em hang"
"Sir, yes sir"