Console Commands
Please note that a / (Forward Slash) IS required to use the in-game console correctly. Be very carefull when entering your rcon login information.
/rcon login [RCONPASSWORD]
Login to remote rcon.
/rcon serverinfo
Shows the current server's settings.
/rcon systeminfo
Shows the current System Information.
/rcon status
Displays info of all the players on the server.
/rcon exec [FILENAME]
Executes a Server Config File (located in your server's main directory)
/rcon writeconfig [FILENAME]
Saves a Server Config File
/rcon say
Post a console message to all players.
Map Commands
/rcon map mapname
Loads the map specified by mapname.
/rcon map_rotate
Loads next map in rotation set in sv_maprotation.
/rcon map_restart
Reloads the map.
/rcon fast_restart
Restarts the map.
Kick/Ban Commands
/rcon kick [NAME]
Kicks a player by name from the server. (Must include Color Codes)
/rcon kick all
Kicks all players from the server.
/rcon onlykick [NAME]
Kicks a player by name from the server. (Does not need Color Codes)
/rcon onlykick all
Kicks all players from the server.
/rcon clientkick [ID]
Kicks a player by client id from the server.
/rcon banUser [NAME]
Bans a user by their ingame name. Writes their GUID to ban.txt
/rcon banClient [ID]
Bans a user by their client number. Writes their GUID to ban.txt
/rcon tempBanUser [NAME]
Kicks and temporarily bans player by name from server.
/rcon tempBanClient [ID]
Kicks and temporarily bans player by client id from server
/rcon unbanuser [NAME]
Unban every player banned with [name]. If you want to unban a single player whose name appears more than once, you should edit "ban.txt" manually.