12.05.2007 - ONC 16loipon akou
prwta apo ola mias k eisai neos
tha pas sto
www.callofduty.gr ekei panw panw deksia
tha deis ena banneraki pou grafei
Ksekina edw ... pata to ---->
http://www.callofduty.gr/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=54&topic=734.0Ekei tha deis mazemena merika posts
me epekshghseis gia polla pragmata tha pareis ekei apadhseis gia
So sta onc twra... ean exeis omada = 5 atoma k thelete
na parete meros xodrika tha sou pw pws prepei na xete
oloi to game afthentiko = 5 keys kai prepei na xete
th version 1.3 tou cod2. Ean me liga logia paizete ston 222
xwris problhma tote de tha xete problhma k sto ONC.
EAN adimetwpiseis problhma steile prve msg sto forum edw
H empa sto irc sto #callofduty na se voithisoume.
ONC ginontai kathe 2 kyriakes ektos aprooptwn.
Se liges meres tha ginei post sto forum k sygekrimena
sto topic twn One night cups me titlo "ONC #16 5v5 SD"
to 5v5 = 5 enanti 5 paiktwn kai to sd = to gametype -
search and destroy. Ta kypela arxizoun stis 6 k ta prokrimatika stis
16:00-30. To ONC vasta syntithws 4-5 wres.