Author Topic: -=RoD=- Recruiting  (Read 2514 times)


  • 222 HERO!~
-=RoD=- Recruiting
« on: May 31, 2007, 10:06:59 AM »
Psaxnoyme gia neo/a melos/h stin team mas.
epeidi omws i team mas exei ksekinisei kai synexizei me skopo tin kali parea kyriws metaksy mas kai kata deyteron tis epidwseis kai to skill sto cod2
zitame atomo/a ilikias anw twn 25 etwn  ;D
alles vasikes proypotheseis :
- na exei free time kai na einai active me oreksi na asxolithei me to agapimeno mas game
- kali kai monimi dsl syndesi (oxi apo net cafe)
- ena apodekto skill
- kai na einai ANW TWN 25 ETWN.

gia plirofories afiste moy minima edw sto forum or afiste minima sto diko mas forum sto antistoixo topic.

You start a conversation you can't even finish it
You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything
When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed
Say something once, why say it again?

Psycho Killer
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa better
Run run run run run run away