Nees times!!!!trekste na prolavete OTE=FTW=LOW PING :eleos:
OTE=ORGANISMOS TALEPORIAS ELLAS....h!...Oute Thlefwno Exoume....
sto tsabikonhsi doulevoun tsabikoi otetzhdes. epomeno einai na mhn exete net kaneis sas = vlavh komvou . kerase touskana asterato na mhn exeis probs opws o pappous.
an exw provlima sto net tote 8a exoun kai aytoi provlima sta bikes tous
einai p o Dam leei oti to ping den exei na kanei me thn mono me thn sundesh p exeis....k twra kafiete!gia to ping sto cod2....eimai karpa8o
Apo oti m exoun pei atoma p doulevoun stn ote...kai 24mgb syndesh na valeis (athina kentro kiolas) mexri 8 trexei to polu..Peite kamia gnwmh eseis pou ergazeste ekei...o nas an den kanw lathos.Alithevei afto?