Unofficial News on Patch Setbacks
Call of Duty 2 - Thursday, February 16, 2006, 23:09 - Comment! | Matthew Pruitt
A member of the IW Nation boards has posted up news that he claims to have received through an undivulged source.
It has been brought to our attention through a claim this evening that the long awaited patch that has been officially announced to be released early 2006 is in fact not going to be as early as we anticipated.
As the majority of you are aware an official statement was released on 21st December 2005 to say that a patch is on its way for CoD2. Of course one of the most important features of this patch is the Punkbuster Anticheat Program. We have been told unofficially this evening through a undivulged source that in fact IW are having problems with Punkbuster and can't get it working with the DX architecture. So, the promises of early 2006 have now some what been shattered and it is very doubtful we shall get an official statement from IW regarding what is happening now.
We will work to either confirm or deny this information tomorrow.