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According to Anthony Neil, game developer for Treyarch Games, here is the latest official list regarding the fixes that will be included in the final version of the game:
1. Spawn points will be fixed. There are over 40 spawn points for every map. We have a system in place to insure that players spawn as far away as possible from enemies and explosives.
2. All single shot guns: shotguns, bolt action rifles, sniper guns, etc. will be given a power boost to balance out the game play.
3. Weapon skins, characters, vehicles, backgrounds, lighting, gun particles, etc. will be more detailed.
4. Music and sound effects are being worked on. We want the gun sounds, footsteps, explosions, voice actors to be absolutely perfect. When you hear a gunshot, we want the players to jump in their seats.
5. We have created all new gametypes that will be revealed only when the game comes out.
6. We are working on certain new perks, such as, the ability to climb trees, swim underwater, etc.
7. There is a new game server being put in place to help players find the best connection possible, find players with similar ranks, and make lag a thing of the past.
8. The new coop mode is going to be ridiculous. Those of you who buy the game will be in for a few surprises. You'll see things that you have not seen in Call of Duty 4. You'll have multiple teams playing on the same coop game. Some as Allies and some as Germans and Japanese?
9. We have made sure that all of our maps our glitch free. No more jumping out of maps people. Even on Old School! We have placed sensors outside the map, so if anyone leaves the game boundaries, the game ends for them.
10. There will be more points given when people do things like capture the flag, plant or diffuse a bomb, etc.
11. We have created smaller maps for the people that likes Shipment.