Author Topic: solzors all brand new site  (Read 8631 times)


  • idinarK..!
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2008, 09:05:47 PM »
Ωραια δουλεια εχει κατι ορθογραφικα ομως  ;D
κ ειμαστε idinark παρακαλω!!


  • DV zombie
  • ostouhc
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2008, 02:55:48 PM »
Πολυ ωραιο το site, λιγο βαρυ ισως, αλλα γραφικα γαμαει !

Θυμιζει και λιγο Γκαι Ριτσι.
One day when we 're far away
from everything that hurts,
♫ drink wine and screw is
all we 'll do ♫
every day


  • 222 HERO!~
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2008, 03:48:06 PM »
gj sol :)
What if when we die , the light at the end of the tunnel we see is just us being pushed out of another vagina?


  • Ranked Pubzorz!
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2009, 04:57:43 PM »
Poly original kai artistiko to site. Ekseplagin TAMALA TBH
An kai oxi toso leitourgiko tha elega, exei ginei poly kali douleia!!!
Keep it up


  • Admin
  • F*ck Me Im Famous!!1
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2009, 03:53:26 PM »
boys and site einai ligo dummy, eprepe na to pei o brkR...(php.html) kanoniko einai total flash apla yperxe provlima me ton programmatismo tou, mas pire ligo parapanw apo ton arxiko programatismo + merikes allages sto lineup tou team + kapoies kathisteriseis apostolhs ylkou apo teamates klp klp.
logo pieshs anevike gia na mhn niwthoume pws pige xamenh tosh lan sthn kalithea to cb kai genika h prospatheia pou kanoume san sol sto elliniko cod4 eprepe na vgei ston aera prin to 2009...parallhla enhmerwnw pws doulevete gia na einai ola gg.....

*twra gia osous ekfrasane apopseis gia to cod4 sthn ellada...tha pw kai egw thn dikia mou!
den exw kai megalh empeiria omws, mhn parexigithw <3 all
1.prwth fora grafw se forum (den asxoloume)*mia fora egrapsa se post tou cb kai ayto gt o olympous to eixe gamisei oxi pws exw kati mazi tou alla den mporw na akouw kai saxles, epishs den eimouna pote GROF.
2.TDMas eimouna (kai merikoi lene pws exw parameinei ekei, mouhahaha), rwtate tous GW, gt katevasate ton server re?
3.FPS game prwth fora sto cod epexa prin ena xrono akrivws snd de peripou 9 mhnes...epneysh mou o zboua...sto 2o ypogeio enos bnb sthn akadimias (istoriko spot)

exete dikio ena site den kanei mia omada...den thn kanei omada omws ws pros ti???

den thn anevazei se skill ayto einai to mono sygouro...kapoia pragmata yparxoune kai kapoia kaliergountai
omws ayto pou kanei ena site, genika ena site omadas asxeta me to poso wraio einai h poso organwmeno h otidipote allo, einai na thn organwsh na thn kavlwsh ligo parapanw....kanei tous pektes na niwthoune wraia tous ksipnaei, tous dinei enaysma kai anagh idio isxyei me to na exeis ventrilo, teamspeak, server eite na eisai gramenos se cb esl ayto nomizw pws oloi tha sinfwnisoume!!!etsi ekane kai se emas mia mikrh enesh adrenalinhs tpt allo...ta gredits einai h plirwmh thnx olous gia ta kala sas logia!
apo ekei kai pera to cod4 sthn ellada alla kai genika ana ton kosmo (an den kanw lathos) meta apo to lan me tous SP sto Belgium pou oloi xazevame -bravo sta paidia- exei pesei poly...ypirxe mia koilia meta thn ekdosh tou cod5 tou left4dead kai genika gia peripou 1 mhna yperxe mia krisi, ayto pithanon na synvenei panta meta apo nees kiklofories -den xerw gt den asxoloume, eseis pou pezete xronia tha to exete diapistwsh- omws....yparxei exelixh stous sol kai ayto fenetai aisthita "me gymno mati" pou lene....gegonos einai pws megaloi maza ellhnwn pezei cod4 alla kaneis den endiaferete gia to game. me poia enoia oloi pezoune TDM h lan se net cafe pezoune for fun kai den psaxnontai parapanw....prosfata milousa me sini h takr sto vent kai legame skepsou poso megalo tha htane to community tou cod4 snd an oloi oi TDMades kai oi freelancer pezane poio organwmena....egw pistevw pws ayto einai to provlima...den yparxoune kateythinseis...polloi den xeroune ti einai to cb h otidipote allo akoma kai "organwmenes" omades den xeroune h den exoune doulepsei tpt apo taktikes....pws na paei mprosta re paidia??oloi emeis pou ypotithete asxoliomaste me to game as voithisoume...den xerw....mallon oloi emeis voithame emas kai kanenan allo...

p.s. peace love all....almost
p.s. 2 den xerw an ta eipa swsta...hope na vgike nohma kai na mhn parexigithike kaneis
<@AssVas|off> unique
<@AssVas|off> u have full authority to rape , kill, torture
<@AssVas|off> 222 members
<@AssVas|off> but plz
<@AssVas|off> begin with this guy

F*ck Me Im Famous!!!

gtαιvπc (reactor)

  • DV zombie
  • The odd one out.
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2009, 05:00:46 PM »
boys and site einai ligo dummy, eprepe na to pei o brkR...(php.html) kanoniko einai total flash apla yperxe provlima me ton programmatismo tou, mas pire ligo parapanw apo ton arxiko programatismo + merikes allages sto lineup tou team + kapoies kathisteriseis apostolhs ylkou apo teamates klp klp.
logo pieshs anevike gia na mhn niwthoume pws pige xamenh tosh lan sthn kalithea to cb kai genika h prospatheia pou kanoume san sol sto elliniko cod4 eprepe na vgei ston aera prin to 2009...parallhla enhmerwnw pws doulevete gia na einai ola gg.....

*twra gia osous ekfrasane apopseis gia to cod4 sthn ellada...tha pw kai egw thn dikia mou!
den exw kai megalh empeiria omws, mhn parexigithw <3 all
1.prwth fora grafw se forum (den asxoloume)*mia fora egrapsa se post tou cb kai ayto gt o olympous to eixe gamisei oxi pws exw kati mazi tou alla den mporw na akouw kai saxles, epishs den eimouna pote GROF.
2.TDMas eimouna (kai merikoi lene pws exw parameinei ekei, mouhahaha), rwtate tous GW, gt katevasate ton server re?
3.FPS game prwth fora sto cod epexa prin ena xrono akrivws snd de peripou 9 mhnes...epneysh mou o zboua...sto 2o ypogeio enos bnb sthn akadimias (istoriko spot)

exete dikio ena site den kanei mia omada...den thn kanei omada omws ws pros ti???

den thn anevazei se skill ayto einai to mono sygouro...kapoia pragmata yparxoune kai kapoia kaliergountai
omws ayto pou kanei ena site, genika ena site omadas asxeta me to poso wraio einai h poso organwmeno h otidipote allo, einai na thn organwsh na thn kavlwsh ligo parapanw....kanei tous pektes na niwthoune wraia tous ksipnaei, tous dinei enaysma kai anagh idio isxyei me to na exeis ventrilo, teamspeak, server eite na eisai gramenos se cb esl ayto nomizw pws oloi tha sinfwnisoume!!!etsi ekane kai se emas mia mikrh enesh adrenalinhs tpt allo...ta gredits einai h plirwmh thnx olous gia ta kala sas logia!
apo ekei kai pera to cod4 sthn ellada alla kai genika ana ton kosmo (an den kanw lathos) meta apo to lan me tous SP sto Belgium pou oloi xazevame -bravo sta paidia- exei pesei poly...ypirxe mia koilia meta thn ekdosh tou cod5 tou left4dead kai genika gia peripou 1 mhna yperxe mia krisi, ayto pithanon na synvenei panta meta apo nees kiklofories -den xerw gt den asxoloume, eseis pou pezete xronia tha to exete diapistwsh- omws....yparxei exelixh stous sol kai ayto fenetai aisthita "me gymno mati" pou lene....gegonos einai pws megaloi maza ellhnwn pezei cod4 alla kaneis den endiaferete gia to game. me poia enoia oloi pezoune TDM h lan se net cafe pezoune for fun kai den psaxnontai parapanw....prosfata milousa me sini h takr sto vent kai legame skepsou poso megalo tha htane to community tou cod4 snd an oloi oi TDMades kai oi freelancer pezane poio organwmena....egw pistevw pws ayto einai to provlima...den yparxoune kateythinseis...polloi den xeroune ti einai to cb h otidipote allo akoma kai "organwmenes" omades den xeroune h den exoune doulepsei tpt apo taktikes....pws na paei mprosta re paidia??oloi emeis pou ypotithete asxoliomaste me to game as voithisoume...den xerw....mallon oloi emeis voithame emas kai kanenan allo...

p.s. peace love all....almost
p.s. 2 den xerw an ta eipa swsta...hope na vgike nohma kai na mhn parexigithike kaneis

where's mah triple post  >:D >:D


  • DV zombie
  • ostouhc
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2009, 08:49:35 PM »
Απο ποτε τα php sites ειναι dummy?
One day when we 're far away
from everything that hurts,
♫ drink wine and screw is
all we 'll do ♫
every day


  • DV zombie
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2009, 09:16:51 PM »
...........prosfata milousa me sini h takr sto vent kai legame skepsou poso megalo tha htane to community tou cod4 snd an oloi oi TDMades kai oi freelancer pezane poio organwmena....egw pistevw pws ayto einai to provlima...den yparxoune kateythinseis...polloi den xeroune ti einai to cb h otidipote allo akoma kai "organwmenes" omades den xeroune h den exoune doulepsei tpt apo taktikes....pws na paei mprosta re paidia??oloi emeis pou ypotithete asxoliomaste me to game as voithisoume...den xerw....mallon oloi emeis voithame emas kai kanenan allo....

Σηκωνει μεγαλη κουβεντα αυτο το θεμα βασικα και εχει ξανασυζητηθει παλαιοτερα. Δυστηχως η νοοτροπια του ελληνα gamer δεν ειναι για πολλα πολλα. Λες να βοηθησουμε, δλδ τι βοηθεια χρειαζετε καποιος πια, server μπορει να νοικιασει μονος του, demos μπορει να κατεβασει μονος του και practice μπορει να κανει μονος του. Αν τα περιμενει ολα ετοιμα ας το παρατησει καλυτερα. Αν αναφερεσε σε απλη ενημερωση πιστευω μεσα απο το γινετε αρκετα καλη δουλεια σε αυτο το θεμα.


    • Team-gr8
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2009, 08:15:35 AM »
gegonos einai pws megaloi maza ellhnwn pezei cod4 alla kaneis den endiaferete gia to game. me poia enoia oloi pezoune TDM h lan se net cafe pezoune for fun kai den psaxnontai parapanw....prosfata milousa me sini h takr sto vent kai legame skepsou poso megalo tha htane to community tou cod4 snd an oloi oi TDMades kai oi freelancer pezane poio organwmena....egw pistevw pws ayto einai to provlima...den yparxoune kateythinseis...polloi den xeroune ti einai to cb h otidipote allo akoma kai "organwmenes" omades den xeroune h den exoune doulepsei tpt apo taktikes....pws na paei mprosta re paidia??oloi emeis pou ypotithete asxoliomaste me to game as voithisoume...den xerw....mallon oloi emeis voithame emas kai kanenan allo...

Basika to community exei para polla atoma pou exoun paiskei pcw,cb wars ktl.Panta i maza 8a enai publicades,den exei na kanei mauto.Atm ektos apo tous sol oysiastika den yparxei allo active team nomizw.Oi oldschoolers genika den exoyn oreksh toso gia gaming kai einai apolyta logiko,oi perisoteroi "old" cod4 players paizoyn alla den exoun team(i exoyn kai einai inactive) kai bariountai na ftiaksoun or something,oi new cod4 players den blepoyn kinhsh kai adiaforoyn.Gnwmh moy einai oti mono me kana sobaro greek league(EPS px) mporei na doyme ligo fws sto tounel.

To design tou site einai poly omorfo.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 08:22:17 AM by SanDman »
Remeber this.We of the endless are the servants of the living-we are NOT their masters.WE exist because they know,deep in their hearts,that we exist.


  • Cupadmins
  • DV zombie
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2009, 10:05:34 AM »
prosfata milousa me sini h takr sto vent kai legame skepsou poso megalo tha htane to community tou cod4 snd an oloi oi TDMades kai oi freelancer pezane poio organwmena....egw pistevw pws ayto einai to provlima...den yparxoune kateythinsei

Den exeis IDEA poses suzhthseis stis opoies exw summetasxei me 8ema thn "katastash tou community tou cod4" exoun katalh3ei ekei.

oloi emeis pou ypotithete asxoliomaste me to game as voithisoume...den xerw....mallon oloi emeis voithame emas kai kanenan allo...

Yup. MONO monoi mas mporoume na boh8hsoume ton eauto mas.
'Well, I'm gonna be a new kind of clown. I'm gonna stand in the middle of the ring and laugh at the folks.'

sinister_evil: +1 internet to you jinx.

[If you are reading this, you are the resistance]

TRUE keyboards:


  • Admin
  • F*ck Me Im Famous!!1
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2009, 01:43:07 AM »
eeeee.........sthn ygeia mas loipon!!!(gis osous irthane sthn ladokola meta to lan).
<@AssVas|off> unique
<@AssVas|off> u have full authority to rape , kill, torture
<@AssVas|off> 222 members
<@AssVas|off> but plz
<@AssVas|off> begin with this guy

F*ck Me Im Famous!!!


Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2009, 12:53:20 AM »
Site's song Title & Artist?


  • DV zombie
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2009, 01:37:36 PM »
Site's song Title & Artist?

uniq/uniq ,
add me sto msn na sto steilw!!1


  • DV zombie
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2009, 01:41:49 PM »
gia opoion thelei to song download



  • DV zombie
Re: solzors all brand new site
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2009, 04:09:05 PM »
Να'σαι καλά ρε haxzor :eleos: ;)