sthn ousia prepei na katalaveis kati man , to guid antistoixei se ena cdkey .
Ara sto esl kai se oles tis leagues de ginete na paiksoun 2 atoma me to idio guid sto profile tous.
OPote tha xreiastei na agoraseis to game allh mia fora na mpeis se enan server na deis ti guid exeis me to neo cdkey.
Katopin na pas sto esl k na valeis to neo guid sto profile sou (an ypothesoume pws to 1o cd-key/guid to xei o bro sou) kai epeita 8a prepei na laveis ypopshn sou pws an esy pas na paikseis apo ena internet cafe tha prepei na xtypiseis to cdkey sou molis beis mesa sto game , sto multiplayer options.... Alliws tha beis me tou magaziou kai tha xasete to war epeidh to guid sou de tha nai afto pou adistixei sto site.