Ligo xlwmo to kovw na ginetai kapoio cup eite lan eite online...
- No admins(fantaroi,kourastikan,barethikan,uperano ktl)
- No players(o kwlos mou pwnaei,to auto mou den sikwnetai,panellinies,douleies,fantarilikia,baremares,kopeles,ktl)
- Anapofasistikotita se olo tis to megaleio
kai ola ta sxetika...
Egw isws asxolithw ligo perissotero meta tis panellinies euxomenos oti tha exw grapsei kala kai tha exw perasei kapou anthrwpina kai me proipothesi oti den tha exw ksulwsi ta WinBlowz mexri tote apo to pc mou
that's all folks ^^
..:: Just shoot pub until you get bored or get a non greek clan ::..