Author Topic: Amusing read with an extra pickle  (Read 2690 times)


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Amusing read with an extra pickle
« on: April 25, 2010, 06:00:47 AM »

In retrospect, she literally destroyed the guild I had been in for almost 2 years. The funny thing is, though, is that I hadn't even realized what she was doing until it was far, far too late. Sure, she'd cause petty drama once in awhile, but never anything serious. Once in awhile there'd be an epeen contest over who could get more of her attention (notice the hyperlink)*, and she loved it, but they dissipated quickly. For the most part, she was just your average, everyday e-whore. She'd enter conversations with a "Tee Hee ^_^" or make a random "EEEEP!" sound on vent just to get attention. She was overly obsessed with how her character looked, and was constantly the center of most of the "lol i saw u in IF and we danced ^_^" discussions. I'm sure many of you have seen her kind before.

She came to us from another guild that had recently disbanded (she had a hand in that one, too). There were posts on the forums accusing her of it, trying to warn us, but they were ignored. All I knew was that we had just picked up a well geared druid and a few of her pals (luna leg humpers*, they'll be referred to as from now on). Seeing as how we had just recently started Naxx and lost a few people, this was a great thing. No one questioned it. But they were, all of them, deceived. She calmly, gradually, deliberately started working into various members; slowly amassing her army of zealots. They were once men - great kings of men. Then, Elluna the deceiver gave to them the nude pics of power. Blinded by their testosterone, they took them without question. One by one they fell into darkness, slowly becoming slaves of her will. She took particular interest in one distinctly desperate fellow. Given he was an officer at the time, he presented a crucial opportunity for her. They'd stay up till 5:00 a.m. levelling alts, constantly be in the same vent channel, stand next to eachother in all the boss kill screenshots, etc.

See, we used a 'silent bidding' type DKP system. Items would drop, an officer would call out for bids, and you'd send a tell to that officer with your bid. I had never realized that almost every time an item dropped that she wanted, one officer would always be the first to ask for bids; instantly, even, as if to beat the other officers to it. This was easy to manipulate because all the said officer had to do was lie about the bid Elluna made, putting it slightly above the person who actually made the highest bid. I recall a time where an item dropped that Elluna had been wanting, and her boy toy was dead so he couldn't ask for bids. I ended up being the highest bidder, and before I could loot it, I had gotten tells from at least 4 of the luna leg humpers trying to guilt trip me into not picking it up. That didn't work, however. It only succeeded in piquing my suspicion that there was some shady shit going on. As an aside: It payed off for her. She ended up with the only 9/9 tier 3 in the server's history, and a plethora of other amazing items.

Not too long after that (after our first Kel'Thuzad kill, and her indirectly causing a few people to gquit), someone who had been wronged by Elluna (don't know the details of that ordeal) decided to show a few of his closer friends the pictures that Elluna had been furtively spreading around. I was one of those friends. I saw them, and instantly everything clicked. Why she'd make pouty faces and mope every time something didn't go her way, why you couldn't get a decent ZG/AQ20 group unless she was in it, why raid performance was directly affected by HER mood. Suddenly, everything had become clear to me. She had that guild by the balls.

But there were some, who resisted. A last alliance of men, elves, dwarves, and gnomes was formed. They marched against the armies of Elluna and on the forums of Shattered Hand, they fought. Her pictures were posted, her diabolical ways exposed, her officer boy toy gremoved. Victory was near. But the power of Elluna, could not so easily be undone. This attack may have scarred her, but it did not stop her. Sadly, she took the guild down with her. All of the luna leg humpers were so deeply offended by this affair that they left the guild in disgust. A few of these people were linked to other people, and them to others still. When the first few left, many followed. WarEnsemble disbanded about three weeks before BC was released.

In the next chapter of this tale, the core of the guild had split into two halves. The half that weren't idiots, and the half that were. Elluna had taken her loyal followers and formed a new guild called "Revelation" in which, surprisingly, she was the leader. They never really did much; so there she remained, locked away. We tried to forget about them, and focused on building our new guild in preparation for BC. Things remained pretty uneventful after that, even after the release of BC. And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. For five and a half months, Elluna passed out of all knowledge and memory. Until, when chance came, she ensnared another bearer. Her current guild, Havok. Here she runs rampant, unchecked to this very day with many of the same people who left with her for Revelation.

I server transferred not long after hitting 70, and then quit before Havok was even formed. I was blissfully unaware of it all, until one day I was called back.

Satsloader: "It should have ended when WarEnsemble did, but evil was allowed to endure. There is no strength left on Shattered Hand. They are scattered, divided, leaderless.”

Bogus: “There is one who could unite them."

Satsloader: “He turned from that path long ago. He has chosen exile.”

Tockaray? That was what they used to call me... Tockaray the Gray. I am Tockaray the White. And I come back to you now -- at the turn of the tide.

* The Hyperlink - Elluna was mad at the one guy and she told the other guy about it. They decided to duke it out like only real men would. The internet gangster is Magic, and the other faggot is Tarnov (the officer boy toy who she was mad at). Magic, albeit retarded, was actually the hero here. Ahh, memories...

p.s. I was the one who made the guild <Tarnov Is A Bad Officer>. Man I own...


I forgot all about this. Thanks to Cow for reminding me.

* Luna Leg Humpers - The group of people that hang around her, and are entirely influenced by her. She acquired quite a few more in the transition from her old guild to WarEnsemble."

source :

And now for the extra pickle!

---> <---
---> <---
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 06:46:01 PM by sinister_evil »


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Re: Amusing read with an extra pickle
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2010, 09:13:50 AM »
Give proper mirror DAMN YOU!


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Re: Amusing read with an extra pickle
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2010, 11:10:47 AM »

so many memories awakened... so many senses long forgotten, have come out of their deep slumber... once again!

I bow down in respect to thee sini...  I bow down in respect  to thee Tockaray the White...  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
'Well, I'm gonna be a new kind of clown. I'm gonna stand in the middle of the ring and laugh at the folks.'

sinister_evil: +1 internet to you jinx.

[If you are reading this, you are the resistance]

TRUE keyboards:


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Re: Amusing read with an extra pickle
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2010, 11:20:57 AM »
Cannot access the pickle..... :(

One day when we 're far away
from everything that hurts,
♫ drink wine and screw is
all we 'll do ♫
every day


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Re: Amusing read with an extra pickle
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2010, 06:19:04 PM »
Εχθες επαιζε το κωλοstream. Google για projectX.avi. Το εχω βασικα, θα το rapidαρω στο account μου για να μεινει και up.
Αν παιζει κανα stream που να μην το κατεβασει πειτε μου να το upload και εκει. BTW ειναι semi-NSFW το pickle.

edited original post
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 06:45:31 PM by sinister_evil »


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Re: Amusing read with an extra pickle
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2010, 07:14:31 PM »
Εχθες επαιζε το κωλοstream. Google για projectX.avi. Το εχω βασικα, θα το rapidαρω στο account μου για να μεινει και up.
Αν παιζει κανα stream που να μην το κατεβασει πειτε μου να το upload και εκει. BTW ειναι semi-NSFW το pickle.

edited original post

einai NSFW.

'Well, I'm gonna be a new kind of clown. I'm gonna stand in the middle of the ring and laugh at the folks.'

sinister_evil: +1 internet to you jinx.

[If you are reading this, you are the resistance]

TRUE keyboards: