lepwn, once upon a time one hot day of the july i said:Lets open roccat.exe done it used it for 1 war got flamed thats it.
lepwn 2, since then i've been acused for hacking by some other hackers just so they can cover their own shit.
lepwn 3, smakops was there to support me against some others *No names* that he new before me
lepwn 4, he was there for me and i appreciate it
lepwn 5, ine 2013 if you want to call me a hacker well go ahead , but you have a prob. I DONT PLAY cod4 that much 1-2 games sto netsky sniper for fun
lepwn 6, den asxolume toso me fps opios 8eli kai exi orexi gia kana mc OR endiaferete gia server hosting mou lei
lepwn 7, hosting at @ 32 gb ram dedicated Ovh france 1gbit , CloudFlare Enterprise , 50 gbit firewall arketa f8ina
opios 8eli m lei (+paysafe)