2on gatakia twn windows...amesws na valei ta 7aria...ffs dld...h anava8mish ths ram den einai kai asxhma...
3on tetoio prob eixa kai gw...kai apo ti psaxtika xtupouse to sound...
I am posting this here as there was not a lot of information out on the internet and I am trying to spread this around to help others out...
This is only for Windows Vista as far as I can tell. I don't know if this would help for people using other versions of Windows or Linux....
Error: Faulting application iw3mp.exe, version, time stamp 0x4859a219, faulting module pbcl.dll, version, time stamp 0x48699adf, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x00026dc5, process id 0x1038, application start time 0x01c90ba4876b8c7e.
Issue: From what I was able to find it is an application conflict with your on-board sound card.
Fix: Remove [uninstall] your sound card from the Windows Device Manager, but do not select the option to remove the drivers. Reboot your computer. Windows Vista will redetect your sound card and install it.
After this, you should be fine. Before I found the ONE site that talked about this I tried removing Punk Buster, reinstalling it and looking at Even Balances web site... All of that got me nothing...
I know, it sounds really odd for a sound card and punkbuster [pbcl.dll] to cause your COD4 to crash, but this was the fix.
I hope this helps others that run into this issue as I am trying to post this everywhere I can.
epexhghsh:pas dexi click o upologisths moy-->idiothtes-->uliko-->diaxeirish suskeuwn-->elegkths hxou,video kai paixnidiwn--> kai meta vlepeis pou einai o hxos sou...sthn dikia m periptwsh leei realtek high definition audio(mallon kai sena etsi 8a leei) --> dexi click katarghsh egkatastashs...patas ok kai oti allo sou zhthsei...kaneis epanekinhsh kai to afhneis na entopisei ton hxo apo mono tou...kai eisai komple...ama den doulepsei tote cba...an kai pisteuw 8a doulepsei 95 % ....
ps.ama kaneis upgrade ram h exeis aporia otidhpote allo gia hardware dont hesitate to spam me @ xfire...