Oi Admins tou 222 parakalw na exete ston nou sas ton Qberx.Meta apo to 1vs1 pou paiksame ekane kati obv.Tou eipa ama ksana obv tha se kanw report.Mou ksanaekane, bghka apo to game kai arxise na mou klegete mhn me kaneis report kai mhn me kaneis report.Parte kai sinomilia:
[17:39] eXciTe sLAyERzZ@NEEDTEAM: cu
[17:39] eXciTe sLAyERzZ@NEEDTEAM: report
[17:39] *<|:-} Qberx: mn report
[17:39] *<|:-} Qberx: pplz
[17:39] *<|:-} Qberx: plz
[17:39] *<|:-} Qberx: plz
[17:40] eXciTe sLAyERzZ@NEEDTEAM: fortoga
[17:40] *<|:-} Qberx: enta3i foraw