Neggative 3506,
I had eyes on Brizo for the last 5 years and i can assure you... he is clean as Klinex

I know him since the academy ...
Whoever tries to spill mud in his name should be aware of his ... come back

Let's do a History Backround on his name...
Like every other child, brizo was born...
He realised his Skill and gifts on the young age of 12 when he was throwing arrows in class to his m8's
with leet success...
Soon he joined 222 where he made the big step to become the leet sniper we all know and love up to today.
His buddies , like gody and pal were always ... ermmm too short to stare him in the eyes.
Brizolas has prooved his skill and bad rumors of cheating in the LAN tours he attended so far.
He is Considered as a legened to the young snipers across europe as he was invited by leet Israleans back in 02"
to join their clan and teach them the art of snipin+pistol they weren't aware off.
Ofcourse like every succesfull man in this world , others have many times tried to "be like" Brizo.
These people are categorised as "wanna Be" People, they try to copy paste his style, his appearance
and his talent begining from his outlook, walking down to his choices of isp&dsl line, down to the places
he hangs out.
You will all have the chance to meet this "Uber sniper" as the Deutch Newspapers refair to, in an upcoming
LAN fest (mix tour - check other topic).
Till Then,
Gl n HF all.