na sou pw pio eine to problhma su ?oti sas kaname comeback k xasate ta 300 eurw? nomizw esei dn eixes rthei kan sto lan:),epe3a me t pedia epeidi o jamahL menei kastoria k 9:30 itn to teleuteo lewforeio ,ti na tn legane mhn fygeis? den fteei oute o jamahl ute t pedia pou me eipan n pe3w,alla epd zume sthn Ellada ! k ws synithws kt th ginei k t lan th paei pisw -3,4 writses!!(niko prostheou den exw kt me sena h k me tus allous admin,oute lew pws dn kanete swsta thn duleia sas ,alla lew thn alitheia !)