1. pou 8a broume plhrofories gia servers poies einai oi default ru8miseis tdm ctf snd pou isxuoun gia tournaments wste na tis exoume ston server...
TA settings twn server gia Lan tour etc. ta orizete eseis , aftos dld pou diorganwnei to cup-event.
Logika de diaferoun poly ews katholou apo ta settings pou orizontai sta ladders tou clanbase kai twn
eurocups tous. Yparxei ena mod to PAM , pou exei san prefetch filtra me onomasies k ta kaleis apo consola
kai fortwnoun aftomata. Dhladh orizeis "/rcon pam_mode cb" kai kalei aftomata ola ta settings tou server
na oristoun sta settings tou adistoixou clanbase ladder (tdm/sd/ctf). Ta rest settings tha ta oriseis se ena
cfg file pou tha to kaleis otan ksekina o dedicated LAN (panta) server pou thes na sikwseis. PWs to kaneis afto?
Mia volta apto Server problems section tou forum tha sou lysei thn aporeia. Ena shortcut tou cod2 mp exe einai
k sta properties tou prostheteis 3-4 edoles, oi rest edoles kathws kai information pou orizeis ston server sou
tha prostethoun mesa sto cfg file.
Gia na mh ta grafw ola edw des afto :
http://www.callofduty.gr/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=54&topic=16.02. re pou dhlwnete h clan? exoume 2 kai den kseroume pou na dhlw8oume na mpoume kai emeis stin lista
me tis ellhnikes clan.
Afou kanete oloi register sto site-forum edw, o Leader kanei sign up team sto adistoixo tab sto kentro psila
sthn othonh , orizei ena pass kai oi rest kanoun join. Sta ONC (One Night Cups) kanei apla ena reply sto
adistoixo topic sto ONC section tou forum (One Night Cup #15 Sign ups) otan afto tha yparxei , logika tha sou
erthei mail apo to site pou tha se enhmerwnei.
3. epeidh skeftomaste na kanoume kai emeis lan tour. info sxetika? 8umamai apo palia o asbas einai gata se auta. plhrofories gia ta settings (pou elpizw omoia na einai gia ton server). poio analutika: 8elei dedicated server gia ka8e game ksexwristo h' kapoios kanei create kai oi alloi lan kanoun join? 8elei server suggekrimenou tupou kai ru8misewn me au8entiko cod2 cd key? h se lan den exei sxesh?
http://www.callofduty.gr/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=54&topic=16.0 Nai safws thelei dedicated mh to rwtas, kalo einai 2 mhxanhmata me 2 server sikwmenous to kathena
kai 1 giga ram .