Author Topic: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...  (Read 43183 times)


  • Administrator
  • DV zombie
  • Roger That 3506
Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« on: March 22, 2007, 06:50:25 AM »

Se afto edw to topic tha doume pws boroume na ftiaksoume enan Dedicated server gia to agaphmeno mas

Ksekiname me thn proypothesh oti yparxei h katallhlh ypodomh apo plevra grammhs, na exei
toulaxiston 4 mbit upload kai download kai na einai kata protimhsh misthwmeno kyklwma.

Epeishs tha prepei H grammh afth na einai dedicated ston server , dldl na mhn moirazete me alla
workstations H sth periptwsh pou ginete afto na yparxei enas gateway server pou tha analamvanei
na kanei packet shapin k ola ta synafh sth grammh wste na mhn exoun problhmata lag etc. Oi paiktes.

O kathe paikths paizei me  rate 20000-25000 analoga ton server , afto shmainei thewritika pws to
bandwith kymainete apo 10 ews 24 kbs / sec , etsi ean exoume enan server public me 24 slots
 24 x 20 =  480kbs / sec maximum. Sth praksh omws o client stelnei 12 kb/sec k to apotelesma tha
nai 240 kb/sec , dld me mia 2mbit up/down stream kai ta Screenshots tou PB deactivated , tha ste ok.

Akoma paizei rolo kai posa paketa sikwnei H grammh sas, yparxei periptwsh H grammh na sikwnei arketa alla
na ste pisw apo gateway server/kofth periorismenoi kai na exete provlhma, mia metrhsh tha sas lysei thn aporeia.
Anoixte to All Seeing Eye kai apo ta network options - tab , pathste to autodetect... h eikona tha sas deiksei
to bandwith ths grammhs sas up/down kathws kai ta paketa pou sikwnei .

Ean exete kapoio Firewall H Gateway server, 8a prepei na exete anoiktes tis parakatw thyres  :

28960-udp-tcp kai tis akoloythes 20500-20510-20600-20610-udp  wste na doulevei swsta to PB kai na
mporei o server sas na kanei authenticate ta cd-keys twn clients.

Proxwrame twra sto kyrio configuration file tou server mas. Se afto to cfg file tha orisoume vasikes plirofories
tou server , opws stoixeia hosting & contact, ta slots tou server, ean tha einai locked me password H tha einai
public, to map rotation , http redirect gia custom maps H kapoio mod, to poso RAM pou tha desmefsei, kai
diafora alla pou tha analysoume . Meta apo kapoia edolh akoloutheite H morfh "//epekshghsh " .

Prin proxwrhsoume omws se afto tha ftiaksoume prwta to shortcut/sydomefsh tou server sto desktop mas
se periptwsh pou o server einai WINDOWS Dedicated. Gia Linux perivallon tha ginei addition se afto to topic
apo ton Brizola.

Phgainoume sto default installation path "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of duty 2" kai kanoume deksi click
sto "CoD2MP_s.exe" . Katopin deksi click sto desktop/Epifaneia ergasias mas kai paste shortcut/epikollhsh
sydomefshs. Ystera pame sta properties ths sydomefshs mas kai prosthetoume  sto pedio TARGET to parakatw:

"C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\CoD2MP_s.exe" +set dedicated 2 +safe +pb_sv_enable +set sv_punkbuster 1 +set sv_maxclients 24 +exec server.cfg +map_rotate

meta patame efarmogh/apply .

To safe = safe mode gia ligoteres desmefseis resources/porwn systhmatos , to "publictdm.cfg" to cfg pou tha ftiaksoume. To "pb_sv_enable" kai to "sv_punkbuster 1" einai to anticheat tool tou paixnidiou. EAN thelete
na kanete server gia to magazi (den exete afthentika cd-keys) H ean thelete enan LAN Dedicated server gia ena
CUP, tote tha prepei na allaksete tis times aftes se "sv_punkbuster 0" kai se "pb_sv_disable"
To dedicated 2 = gia online Server wste na mpainoun clients apto Internet enw to 1 gia LAN clients , apodidei
kalytera pings. Aftes tis edoles tis orizoume edw dioti afou diavastei to cfg pou kaloume DEN ginete na allaksoun...
Dhladh de ginete enw trexei o server na ginei to PB disable. Merikes alles edoles ginete na allaksoun alla tha
xreiastei na fortwthei neo map H na ginei map_restart gia na efarmostoun, etsi p.x H "set sv_maxclients 24"
orizei ta slots tou server, tis theseis paiktwn pou tha exei o server mas.

Sas parathetw ena sample cfg file (tou main cfg enos public server).
Opoiadhpote edolh apo tis parakatw allazei me rcon H local apton server opote thn ekteleseis, aftes einai oi
arxikes pou tha fortwthoun otan ektelestei to cfg.

//******************************************************** *****************
//Public Information
//***************************************************************** ********
set sv_hostname "To onoma tou server sou"
set scr_motd "Welcome To blablabla Server"
sets _Admin "To onoma sou"
sets _Email "To email sou"
sets _Connection "Bandwith tou server sou"
sets _Website "To site sou"
sets _Location "Greece"
sets g_needpass "0"  // Leei to All Seeing Eye ean o server einai kleidwmenos
sets _IRC "to kanali sto irc"  // your IRC channel + server here

set com_hunkmegs "512" // MB allocated for the game heap. Good for servers will lots of memory (ean exeis 1 giga ram alliws vale 256 an exeis 512 ram etc.

// Server password (an thes password ston server)
set g_password ""

// Rconpassword (Remote console password gia na deineis edoles apo to eye/HLSW H kapoio rcon commander tool)
set rcon_password "xxx"

// Maximum Clients (ta slots tou server)
set sv_maxclients "24"
set sv_privateclients "0"  // ean theleis na oriseis VIP slots etsi wste enw o server tha nai 24/24 na mpainoun extra xwris na ginete kick kapoios.
// ti typo game thes dm/tdm/sd/ctf/hq
set g_gametype "tdm"

// Max Ping (orio sto ping aftou pou kanei connect)
set sv_maxping "100"

set sv_wwwDownload "1" //ean thes ta maps-mods na ta pernoun apo kapoio url,etsi den tha xeis ton periorismo twn 12 kbs/sec tou UDP protocoll ...
set sv_wwwbaseURL ""  //enas apache http server kata protimhsh pou exeis ta maps
set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "1"

// MasterServers Lista me tous Master servers ths Activision pou kanoun epalithefsh to CD-Key twn paiktwn
set sv_master1 ""
set sv_master2 ""
set sv_master3 ""
set sv_master4 ""
set sv_master5 ""
set sv_master6 ""
set sv_master7 ""
set sv_master8 ""
set sv_master9 ""
seta sv_gamespy "1"  // gia na deixnei to gamespy ton server sou

// Server Switches
set g_gamespy "1"  // gia na deixnei to gamespy ton server sou

// Team Icons (oi dikoi sou na xoun icon panw apo to kefali tous)
set scr_drawfriend "1"
// Forced Respawn (eksanagasmos respawn sto tdm)
set scr_forcerespawn "1"

// Rate afto pleon to afhneis sto 25000 mporeis na to valeis kai 20000 ean exeis problhmata lag.
set sv_maxRate "25000"

//Map/Team/Player Settings
//chat apo tous nekrous)
set g_deadChat "1"
// friendly fire 1-2-3 (1=skotwneis ton diko sou , 2= reflect damage, 3=moirasmeno 1&2)
set scr_friendlyfire "3"
set scr_freelook "0"
set scr_spectateenemy "0" // na kaneis spectate monaxa tous dikous sou
set g_forceteamspectate "1"
set scr_teambalance "1"  // na ginetai aftomata diamoirasmos twn paiktwn wste oi omades na einai ises
set sv_invulnerabletime "0"   // xronos meta to respawn pou sai atrwtos,no more fenomeno spawn killin'
set g_teamswitchdelay "5"  // minimal time pou epitrepete na switchareis anamesa sta teams

// Killcam
set scr_roundcam "0"
//camera otan pethainesi tou pws pethanes energh H oxi
set scr_killcam "0"

// Temporary Ban duration, in hours? minutes?
set sv_kickBanTime "24"

// Drop inactive players - Xronos pou anamenete NO data flow prin ginei kick o paixths
set sv_timeout "120"
set sv_zombietime "1"
set g_inactivity "0"
set g_inactivityspectator "0"

// Anti lag settings - command gia na afksomeiwnei ta pings metaksy twn clients , de synistatai
set g_antilag "0"

// Anti Cheat Settings
set sv_disableClientConsole "0"  //apenergopoihsh ths consolas tou client,axrhsto mias k yparxoun ta cfg...
set cl_autocmd "0"
set sv_floodProtect "1"
set sv_cheats "0"
set sv_pure "1"
set g_banIPs ""
set g_no_script_spam "1"

// Allow Voting
// It is recommended if you have friendly fire on
// that you also enable voting so that players can kick team-killers.
set scr_allow_vote "1"    //pshfisma gia allagh map H kick sygekrimenou paikth energh
set g_allowvote "0"
set ui_allowvote "0"
set g_oldVoting "0"
set g_allowvotetempbanuser "0"
set g_allowvotetempbanclient "0"
set g_allowvotekick "0"
set g_allowvoteclientkick "0"
set g_allowvotegametype "0"
set g_allowvotetypemap "0"
set g_allowvotemap "1"
set g_allowvotemaprotate "0"
set g_allowvotemaprestart "1"

set logfile "0"
set g_log "games_mp.log"
set g_logsync "0"
set sv_log_damage "0"

// Ingame Voice Chat - Metadwsh Fwnhs energopoihmenh / Apenergopoihmenh
set sv_voice "0"
set sv_voiceQuality "1"
set voice_deadChat "0"
set voice_global "0"
set voice_localEcho "0"
set winvoice_mic_mute "1"

// Weapon Ammo Pools
set g_weaponAmmoPools "0"

//An de thes kapoio oplo orise timh mhden adi tou enos
set scr_allow_enfieldsniper "1"
set scr_allow_kar98ksniper "1"
set scr_allow_nagantsniper "1"
set scr_allow_springfield "1"
set scr_allow_svt40 "1"

// Rifles
set scr_allow_enfield "1"
set scr_allow_kar98k "1"
set scr_allow_m1carbine "1"
set scr_allow_m1garand "1"
set scr_allow_nagant "1"
set scr_allow_g43 "1"

// MGs
set scr_allow_bar "1"
set scr_allow_bren "1"
set scr_allow_mp44 "1"
set scr_allow_ppsh "1"

set scr_allow_sten "1"
set scr_allow_mp40 "1"
set scr_allow_thompson "1"
set scr_allow_pps42 "1"
set scr_allow_greasegun "1"

// Shotgun
set scr_allow_shotgun "1"

// Grenades
set scr_allow_smokegrenades "0"
set scr_allow_fraggrenades "1"

// Gametype Settings - edw einai ta rules tou ekastote gametype
set scr_dm_scorelimit "50"
set scr_dm_timelimit "30"

set scr_tdm_scorelimit "222"
set scr_tdm_timelimit "30"

set scr_ctf_scorelimit "12"
set scr_ctf_timelimit "30"

set scr_hq_scorelimit "600"
set scr_hq_timelimit "30"

set scr_sd_bombtimer "60"
set scr_sd_graceperiod "15"
set scr_sd_roundlength "2"
set scr_sd_roundlimit "0"
set scr_sd_scorelimit "15"
set scr_sd_timelimit "0"

// Autodownload - aftomato katevasma (mods-maps)
set sv_allowDownload "1"
set sv_allowedClan1 ""
set sv_allowedClan2 ""

//===== CoD2 Stock Maps:

set sv_mapRotationCurrent ""
set sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map mp_breakout gametype tdm map mp_brecourt gametype tdm map mp_burgundy gametype tdm map mp_carentan gametype tdm map mp_dawnville gametype tdm map mp_decoy gametype tdm map mp_downtown gametype tdm map mp_farmhouse gametype tdm map mp_leningrad gametype tdm map mp_matmata gametype tdm map mp_railyard gametype tdm map mp_toujane gametype tdm map mp_trainstation"

wait 250

// PAM - arxizei to PAM mod
set sv_pam "1"

// Start Punkbuster - Arxizei to Anticheat
pb_sv_enable // If you want PB disabled, use pb_sv_disable instead
wait // This is required for proper PB startup

exec pbsv.cfg     //ektelei to cfg tou punkbuster me check twn cvar&md5 tool&fortwsh ths Master Ban List
exec pamtdmpub.cfg // ektelesh tou cfg tou PAM mod

Edw teleiwsame me to MAIN cfg arxeio... twra pame sta 2 extra cfg tou server mas , se peiptwsh LAN server
to PB de xreiazete kai to pbsv.cfg einai perito . As doume to cfg tou pam... oles oi edoles analytika vriskontai edw :

kathws kai to pam mod edw:

Dhmiourgoume to parakatw cfg k to onomazoume "pamtdmpub.cfg"


set sv_pam 1

//PAM MODES - orizeis se ti mode thes na treksei to pam, to opoio sth synexeia efarmozei ena set apo commands
// opws pub , esl, cb . esl_2v2 , CAL etc. yparxoun panw apo 60 league modes...
set pam_mode pub

set sv_playersleft 0
set scr_show_death_icons 0
set scr_show_objective_icons 1
set scr_show_grenade_icon 1
set scr_allow_hitblip 1
set scr_allow_hud_scoreboard 1
set scr_clock_position 1
set de_allow_mantlehint 1
set de_allow_hudstance 1

set scr_allow_health_regen 1
set scr_regen_delay 5000
set scr_show_healthbar 0
set scr_fade_healthbar 1
set scr_allow_healthpacks 0

set scr_allow_shellshock 1

set scr_fallDamageMinHeight 21
set scr_fallDamageMaxHeight 40

//DVAR ENFORCER - kaneis merikes commands tou client force se sygekrimenes times
set de_force_rate 25000
set de_remove_exploits 1
set de_allow_enemycrosshaircolor 1
set de_Sound_Ping_QuickFade 0
set de_allow_crosshair 1
set de_allow_turret_crosshair 1
set de_allow_crosshairnames 1

set scr_boltaction_nades 1
set scr_semiautomatic_nades 1
set scr_smg_nades 1
set scr_sniper_nades 1
set scr_mg_nades 1
set scr_shotgun_nades 1

set scr_boltaction_smokes 0
set scr_semiautomatic_smokes 0
set scr_smg_smokes 0
set scr_sniper_smokes 0
set scr_mg_smokes 0
set scr_shotgun_smokes 1

set scr_boltaction_limit 99
set scr_sniper_limit 1
set scr_semiautomatic_limit 99
set scr_smg_limit 99
set scr_mg_limit 99
set scr_shotgun_limit 1

set scr_allow_pistols 1
set scr_allow_turrets 1

set scr_allow_secondary_drop 1

//BOLT-ACTION ONLY - ean thes o server sou na nai Rifles ONLY
set scr_force_boltaction 0

set scr_allow_weapondrop_nade 1
set scr_allow_weapondrop_sniper 0
set scr_allow_weapondrop_shotgun 0

Sto pam yparxei kai Message Center pou mporeite na grapsete ews kai 10 dika sas mhnymata na
ginontai display ston server apo osous paizoun ana takta xronika diasthmata opws to epomeno map
H thn anakoinwsh kapoiou event, twn server rules etc. To PAM mod to topothetoume sto MAIN directory
tou server mas.

to pbsv.cfg periexei anticheat checkin , tha vreite analytika odhgies pou tha to valete mazi me merika
akoma files sto parakatw site :

Proteinw na grafteite kai na kanete ton server sas na streamarei , exete polla kala etsi opws aftomath ananewsh
tou MBL kathws kai ean ginete "Extended User" Aftomath ananewsh twn PB cfg sas...

Apo edw pernete ta cfg :

kai edw vlepete ean o server sas Streamarei me to GV :

Afou teleiwsame me ta cfg's proxwrame sta mods kai ta extra maps... Yparxoun 2 ekdoxes , H prwth
einai H klassikh , petame mesa sto MAIN dir tou server ola ta cfg kai ola ta maps kai mods. etsi omws
yparxei periptwsh na dhmiourgithei problhma anamesa se 2 mods ean thelisoume na treksoume diaforetikous
servers. Se afthn thn periptwsh H k se periptwsh efkoloterhs diaxeirhshs pollaplwn server pame sth defterh lysh.
Th xrhsh ths edolhs "+set fs_game" .

Afth h edolh orizei sygekrimeno dir pou tha kalei ta cfg's kai ta mods tou ekastote server. Sygekrimena exoume
enan TDM server me to Powerserver mod, kai enan SD me to PAM mod, afta ta 2 mods de doulevoun mazi .
Etsi afhnoume to MAIN dir katharo apo cfg's kai mods, kai proxwrame sth dhmiourgia 2 directories

p.x  "tdm" kai "sd" mesa sto  "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of duty 2"

en synexeia metavainoume sto "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of duty 2\tdm" kai topothetoume ekei to
"server.cfg" , to "pamtdmpub.cfg" , kathws kai to pamMod    "z_svr_pam204.iwd"

Meta ftiaxnoume mia nea sydomefsh  H kanoume Edit thn prohgoumenh kai prosthetoume thn edolh
"+set fs_game" prin thn ektelesh tou cfg...

"C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\CoD2MP_s.exe" +set dedicated 2 +safe +pb_sv_enable +set sv_punkbuster 1 +set sv_maxclients 24 +set fs_game tdm +exec server.cfg +map_rotate

Efarmozeis tis allages kai arxizeis ton server me thn ektelesh aftou tou shortcut...

Vasike edoles gia na deis an o server trexei einai oi    " serverinfo" pou tha sou dwsei result ta settings
tou server , to "status" pou tha sou diksei to current map kathws k an einai clients mesa ston server.
Gia na allakseis map ekteleis thn "map mp_carentan" gia na fortwsei to map. Me thn "fast_restart" kaneis
instant restart to map, enw me thn "map_restart" ksanafortwneis to map oloklhro. Telos me thn "clientkick #"
diwxneis enan paikth apo ton server, opou # o arithmos tou slot pou sou deixnei h edolh status.

Telos mporeite na orisete ton server na trexei san service twn windows etsi wste se periptwsh pou crasharei na
ksanaekteleite me kapoio 3rd party tool ;)

Kalo tha htan na exete kanei install kai kapoio remote admin programa, etsi wste otidhpote k an symvei ,
se periptwsh pou den exete fysikh prosvash ston server na mporeite na logarete kai na parete ton elenxo
tou mhxanhmatos san na hsastan ekei. Programata remote admin yparxoun polla synistw to radmin , to VNC
H akoma k to default twn windows, apla ta alla exoun k alla features.

Sth periptwsh pou o server einai internet dedicated , mporeis na elenkseis  ean einai visible kathws kai to ti servers trexoun sthn idia ip alla me diferent port. Episkefteite ton akoloutho syndesmo :
Valte sto pedio IP thn ip tou server sas H opoiou server sas endiaferei kai pathste to submit.

Over n' out!

P.S Ean exeis tis katallhles gnwseis mporeis na kaneis polla...

« Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 01:48:53 AM by AssVas »
<BriZolaS> kala koita egw ton assvas ton exw paradextei
<BriZolaS> sto oti phge rodo kai apo tdm to gurisate sd
<BriZolaS> einai san na stelneis ierapostolo stous zoulou na tous kaneis xristianous


Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2007, 10:47:26 AM »
Very nice tutorial duder!



  • DV zombie
  • Blue Öyster Cult
Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2007, 02:49:02 PM »
Nice man!  :D
The sister runs up to her dad and cries: "Daddy daddy, Max is throwing waterballoons at me!"
The angry dad asks Max: "Max, did you make your sister wet?"
Max answers: "No, but that did her boyfriend yesterday, while you were shopping!"


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    • Towers open fire.
Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2007, 02:29:46 AM »
Nice κωλοβέ, αλλά θα ήταν πολύ καλύτερα στα ελληνικά αιεμό.
+ neways



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Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2007, 03:30:01 AM »
neoellhna :)

+1 ass
adriano: re eimai kai ego mesa stin klika min me ksexnate , asxeta an ta pino panta :D


  • Ranked Pubzorz!
  • ^^^
Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2007, 03:28:11 PM »
assva akou ligo re. ego exo problima me to IP. anixa tis thires 28960 20500 kai 20510. trexo to server me cfg fisika kai paw sto xfire na do sto all list kia dn exei to server mou. paw sto lan servers tou xfire kia mou to deixnei to server omos me IP stathero kathe fora pu ine . pos kanw ton server na exei stathero Ip kai na fenetai sto se olous tous xristes. o server ine dedicated kai to mod to exo balei sosta trexei kanonika.mono auto me to ip ine to problima file. Kamia idea?


  • Administrator
  • DV zombie
  • Roger That 3506
Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2007, 03:47:25 PM »
Re file to IP sou einai LAN IP kai oxi public static IP ... apo pou sikwneis ton server?
Profanws yparxei mia syndesh pou einai moirasmenh se ena LAN , afto pou prepei na kaneis
einai ena port forwarding se oles tis thyres sto routin table tou router sou apo thn kyria syndesh
sthn IP Tou lan.
<BriZolaS> kala koita egw ton assvas ton exw paradextei
<BriZolaS> sto oti phge rodo kai apo tdm to gurisate sd
<BriZolaS> einai san na stelneis ierapostolo stous zoulou na tous kaneis xristianous


  • Ranked Pubzorz!
  • ^^^
Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2007, 12:14:05 PM »
Dn xerw re c pos na to kanw. bika mesa sto rooter kai ekana creat new game ebala tisp portes kai meta ekana assign to a local dn xriazetai mono?


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  • DV zombie
  • Roger That 3506
Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2007, 04:18:45 PM »
Parametropoihsh Router -> Google is your best friend
NAT - port forwarding psakse kai to modelo tou router sou.
<BriZolaS> kala koita egw ton assvas ton exw paradextei
<BriZolaS> sto oti phge rodo kai apo tdm to gurisate sd
<BriZolaS> einai san na stelneis ierapostolo stous zoulou na tous kaneis xristianous


  • Ranked Pubzorz!
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Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2007, 06:38:53 PM »
dn katalba re file sorry. ime kai mikros kai dn ta paw pianw poli afta. mipos boreis na me doseis ta link pu prepei na paw gia na kanw tis rithmiseis pu prepei? btw to router mou ine to THOMSON Speedtouch 536 v6.Tha to ektimousa poli!


  • Administrator
  • DV zombie
  • Roger That 3506
Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2007, 12:34:01 PM »
Tha anoikseis to Manual tou router sou , eite se entypo morfh eite se hlektronikh , kai tha anatrekseis sto Port
Forwarding . An de vreis akrh apo ekei H dyskolefteis tha psakseis to Internet , den einai mono gia paixnidia.
Se sites opws to , kai sta forum tous yparxoun guides gia port forwarding
sta ellhnika ean se dyskolevoun ta agglika. Telos egw tha sou synistousa na psakseis kai sto google H yahoo ,
mhxanes anazhthshs   search :  " Speedtouch 536 forward ? " psaxne eksypna me lekseis kleidia gia oti thes
kai tha vreis apanthseis.
<BriZolaS> kala koita egw ton assvas ton exw paradextei
<BriZolaS> sto oti phge rodo kai apo tdm to gurisate sd
<BriZolaS> einai san na stelneis ierapostolo stous zoulou na tous kaneis xristianous


  • Ranked Pubzorz!
  • ^^^
Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2007, 02:31:00 PM »
thanx gia ola


  • Administrator
  • DV zombie
  • Roger That 3506
Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2007, 06:20:11 PM »
np ;)
<BriZolaS> kala koita egw ton assvas ton exw paradextei
<BriZolaS> sto oti phge rodo kai apo tdm to gurisate sd
<BriZolaS> einai san na stelneis ierapostolo stous zoulou na tous kaneis xristianous


  • Ranked Pubzorz!
Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2007, 12:25:53 AM »
υπαρχει καποίος server gia cd key pou na epitrepei ta cd keys pou kykloforoun sto internet?


Re: Guide - Sthsimo Call Of Duty 2 Server ...
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2007, 12:32:08 AM »
auto pou les mallon 8a enoeis tous cracked server iparxoun alla kati akousa oti h activision 8a ta kanei ola ban diladi dn 8a mporite na paiksete tote kalitera pare to game file
gia kanenan logo..!