You'll be able to track your scores, and compare yourself to both your Friends and to your Global competitors through the leaderboards. They'll show players' rank, kills, deaths, streaks, and more. Here's a sample of what they'll look like:
Weapons:Grenades - Flash; Stun; Frag; (Smoke nades will be available in the final release, but not in the Beta)
Sniper Rifles - Dragunov SVD semi-auto; M21 semi-auto; M40A3 bolt-action.
Shotguns - W1200 pump action shotgun
SMG - Mini-Uzi; MP5; Skorpion
LMG - M60E4; M249 S.A.W; RPD
Assault Rifles - AK-47; G3; M4 Carbine; M16A4
Side Arms - M9; M1911 .45; USP .45
Other known weapons include the G36C rifle and the Desert Eagle pistol. There are more, we just don't know about them yet.MAPS(beta version maps) θα υπαρχουν πιο πολλα..
OvergrownCrashVacantGame TypesFFA (Free For All) - every man for himself. Kill anything that moves. 6-12 players, 5 pts/kill, 300 pts round limit.
TDM (Team Death Match) - the classic 2 opposing teams slugging it out. 6-12 players, 10 pts/kill, 750 pts round limit.
Team Objective (Team OBJ) - this contains two types of games:
Domination (Dom) - 2 teams capture flags, with respawns. 6-12 players, 5 pts/kill, 150 pts round limit.
Search & Destroy (S&D) - 2 teams, each either destroying or defending an objective, with no respawns. 6-12 players, 5 pts/kill, 150 pts round limit.
Team Tactical - smaller 2-vs-2, or 3-vs-3 versions of the Team Death Match and Search-and-Destroy game types. 4-6 players, 10 pts/kill, 500 pts round limit.
Other types are expected as well in the final release version. No word on whether or not new ones will be added later in the Beta.
Perk Sets:Category 1a) Bomb Squad - detect opponents' explosives
b) C4 x 2 - you get two C4 packs that can be dropped/attached, then detonated by remote (video)
c) Claymore x 2 - two claymore mines that you can set up, that detonate automatically when an opponent gets too close
d) RPG-7 x 2 - rocket launcher with two rockets
e) Special Grenades x 3 - ability to carry more special (non-frag) nades
Category 2a) Juggernaut - increased health (can take more damage)
b) Sonic Boom - increased power of explosive weapons
c) UAV Jammer - invisible/do not show up on opponent radar during UAV scans
d) Sleight of Hand - faster reloads (video)
e) Stopping Power - bullets fired cause increased damage to opponents and objects
Category 3a) Deep Impact - increased bullet penetration of objects
b) Last Stand - pull out pistol when dying, for a last chance to gun down your opponent
c) Steady Aim - increased accuracy when firing from the hip
d) Extreme Conditioning - can sprint longer/further
e) Martyrdom - drop a live grenade when killed in hopes of taking your opponent with you
Other known perks, not yet available, include:1) Iron Lung - hold breath longer for steadier shots (sniper)
2) Dead Silence - make no noise even when quickly sneaking up on opponents
3) Double Tap - faster rate of fire
4) Eavesdrop – ability to hear opponent communications from a certain nearby distance
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